Our Vision
RESTORE people from brokenness to wholeness.
RAISE people up to win in life.
RELEASE people in their God given identity and purpose.
Our Purpose
Loving God completely
Loving themselves correctly
Loving others compassionately
Our Core Values
People: People matter to God. People are more important than programs.
Love: Love is the greatest manifestation of the Spirit. Love never fails.
Victorious Living: Expect, believe, and dream for a great life. You were born to win.
Total Salvation: God provides a complete, holistic salvation in every area of life
Teamwork: Doing church as a team is God’s design for effective ministry.
Relevance: Presenting the Gospel in a relevant & heartfelt way will transform lives
Generosity: God desires to bless us so that we can be a blessing to others
Servant Leadership: Spirit-empowered service with a willing heart is how God’s plan is accomplished.
The Presence of God: Worship experiences in the presence of God bring life and healing.
Excellence: Excellence in ministry inspires others and glorifies God.
Missions: Compassion for lost and hurting people is what motivates us.