
Christmas at Solid Rock Church

Fear Not, Our Savior is Born! It is no coincidence that the phrase "Fear Not," or "Don't Be Afraid" in other versions, coincides with the announcement of the coming Savior. Jesus is our prince of peace, the wonderful counselor, the mighty God who came to earth to become the light that cannot be extinguished. Let's celebrate the hope and peace we receive through Jesus Christ this Christmas Eve together on Tuesday, December 24 at Solid Rock Church. Our evening Christmas Eve services will be our special candlelight services with Christmas worship, the children's nativity, Communion, and more.
You can join us at either campus at whichever time works best for your schedule. Our service at the 4922 Yorktown Campus will take place at 5:30pm, and our service at the 3035 Ayers Campus will be at 7:15pm.

Candelight Christmas Eve Services:
5:30pm at 4922 Yorktown

7:15pm at 3035 Ayers


Holiday Schedule

December 15: Solid Rock Christmas Parade & Festival / 6pm
December 18: Solid Rock Youth Christmas Party / 7pm
December 22: Christmas Offering
December 22: Sunday Morning Services: 10am & 11:30am at both campuses
December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Services (5:30pm Yorktown / 7:15pm Ayers)
December 25: No Wednesday Service
December 29: Regular Sunday Morning Service (10am & 11:30am both campuses)
January 1: No Wednesday Service
January 5: 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting begins