
We're Better Together

Connecting with a life group at Solid Rock will change your life. This ministry allows for the development of close and loving relationships that will last a lifetime. During meetings, the weekly messages are discussed and the life group leader generously listens, encourages, and prays for anyone in need. If you would like to become a life group leader, please feel free to contact us to find out more information. View our list of Life Groups to find one that fits you!

Spring Semester Schedule

Launch Day: February 9
Fall Life Groups will run from February 9 - May 2. If you have any interest in hosting a small group, we would love to have you! Contact us for more information on getting started.

Join A Life Group

What is Launch Day?
Launch Day is the official day that our new Life Group semester starts! We will pray over all of our new and returning Life Group leaders. You will be able to see all of the wonderful Life Groups that will be offered for that semester. You will definitely find one that fits you! We encourage you to not walk out of our building on Launch Day without signing up that you are interested in joining a specific Life Group!

If you would like to view a list of the Life Groups being offered for the semester, click on the button above. Life Group rosters may not be complete until Launch Day of the current semester.
Interest-Based: these Life Groups are groups that are based on a similar activity, the sermon notes, a loved book, etc. These operate on the semester schedule, and vary from semester to semester.

Family: Family life groups are a great option. These also operate on the semester schedule and is a great way to bring the family together. If you would like to register your family as a life group, register with the link down below.

Dream Team: We have so many different Dream Team life groups that will fit you. This is a great way to join a life group and get on the Dream Team.

Prayer: Prayer is so vital to our church, and we have prayer teams that meet weekly.

Register Your Life Group

We would love for you to register your Life Group to be in our online database. Use the link below to register!