
back to life!

Jesus came back to life to bring us back to life! On Easter Sunday (March 31), we celebrate the miracle, the resurrection, and the hope that we have in our Savior, Jesus Christ. At Solid Rock Church, we are going to have a wonderful time together this Easter Sunday. As always, we will have a beautiful worship service with praise & worship and an encouraging message.

Before each service, we will have a FREE pancake breakfast for the family. At both campuses, our Solid Rock Kids will have an Easter Egg Hunt after each service. There will be photo ops and brand-new Solid Rock Tees!

Make plans to attend Easter Sunday at Solid Rock Church with your family! We will see you there.

We will also have two special services in the week before Easter that includes an Illustrated Sermon based on the Last Supper.


Easter Week Service Times

The Easter Celebration starts before Easter during Holy Week. We are putting on a production of an illustrated sermon called the Living Lord's Supper based on the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples. Learn about the twelve disciples and their interactions with Jesus through their inner thoughts upon learning that one of them will betray him. It will be a powerful service including praise & worship plus taking communion. We have two dates to choose from: Wednesday, March 27 at the Ayers Campus and Good Friday, March 29 at the Yorktown Campus. Bring someone with you and we'll see you there!

Wednesday Night
Special Service with Illustrated Sermon
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 / 7pm @ Ayers Campus

Good Friday
Special Service with Illustrated Sermon
Friday, March 29, 2024 / 7pm @ Yorktown Campus

Easter Sunday - March 31, 2024
Ayers Campus: 10am & 11:30am
Yorktown Campus: Outdoor Sunrise Service @ 7am + 10am & 11:30am

easter dream team

Share the love of Jesus with others and make a difference by joining the Easter Dream Team. Choose the area and service time that works best for you. You can choose to serve in one service and attend with your family in the other. You can fill out the online form below to join the Dream Team and receive a free Solid Rock Easter T-Shirt to wear.

Easter Egg Hunt

It's not Easter without a Solid Rock Kids Easter Egg Hunt! We're so excited to offer an Easter Egg Hunt for our Solid Rock Kids at BOTH campuses. Kids will have a fun time running around and getting eggs filled with candy.

At our Yorktown Campus, our Easter Egg Hunt will be right outside on our beautiful lawn. The Easter Egg Hunt at our Ayers Campus will be close by at the HEB Park right around the corner.

We can't wait to see all of the beautiful children running around on Easter Sunday!