Men of the Rock
Men of the Rock is the men's ministry at Solid Rock Church. At least once every quarter, we like to come together to hang out, eat some food, build each other up encourage each other in our Christian walk, worship together, and be inspired by God's word together. It is a great time to meet other believers and build community with your church friends! Men of the Rock is for men (and boys) of all ages! We'd love to see you at our next event.
Men of the Rock Breakfast
Saturday, September 7, 2024 - Yorktown Campus
Do you love breakfast? Then, you definitely want to be there for the Men of the Rock Breakfast happening on Saturday, September 7 at our Yorktown Campus. This breakfast is completely free - just sign up to confirm your spot, so we can make sure you get a plate of delicious breakfast. We'll have a great time of worship, encouragement, food, and hanging out together with the dudes. Bring a friend and we'll see you there!
Sign up today